Spooky Smash Bros. Brawl

My name is Thomas Johnson. I am a Nintendo enthusiast. My favorite game is Smash Bros. Brawl, because of characters like Sonic. Third parties are the best, because it's a break from the same old boring Nintendo.
However, after my Wii broke, I wasn't able to play it any more. Upset, I looked all around town for a different Smash game. Maybe I could get the original for my N64, or Smash Bros. 2 for my GameCube. It wouldn't be the same as Brawl, but...
Anyways, I eventually found out that a local game shop had the original Smash on N64! I went there, and purchased the game to play on my N64. I went home and started up my N64, and put in the game. I was excited to play it. Brawl was the only one I ever played before. However, when I started the game... it was the Brawl intro with 64-bit graphics! I was confused. I started it up... it was like somebody ported Brawl onto the N64! Why would they do that? Oh well... now I could play Brawl again, right?
I chose my character. I went with Sonic, and chose the Battlefield stage. I set my enemy as random, but when the battle started, I was fighting Skull Kid! But... he's an assist trophy! I looked at the background. It was all RED! There was no music.
As I walked forward to the nonmoving Skull Kid, there was an explosion. Sonic flew off the stage. Skull Kid stopped moving, and the music stopped playing. My game froze! I took out the disc and looked at it. It was all okay. I put it back in my N64, but this time it started with the ACTUAL Smash 64 intro rather than the Brawl one! I was mad. I took out the disc and threw it at my cat. My cat meowed at me and ran away. I picked the disc back up, and put it back in my N64.
The game started up again, but there was no intro. No character selection. It started out on a battle right away. I was Sonic, and I was fighting a faceless Mario and a faceless Luigi. What happened to their faces? The Mario and Luigi ran at me, but I couldn't move. They punched Sonic, and kept hitting him until he was pushed off the game. When he respawned, he wasn't Sonic anymore... he was Skull Kid! Skull Kid's up B was a flying attack, his down B was an earthquake move, his side B was an energy blast, and his Final Smash was him making everything around him explode! He was the best character in the game. After defeating Mario and Luigi, I went back to the character select and saw I unlocked King K. Rool, Skull Kid, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow the Hedgehog, Silver the Hedgehog, and Amy Rose! They were not in it before.
I chose Shadow, because he reminds me a lot of myself. We both are wise, tough, brooding, and cool. We fought King K. Rool, because I put it on random character and it chose him. King K. Rool got the smash ball and defeated me. His final smash was he jumped up in the sky, and came crashing down to the ground, and everyone touching the ground immediately died, including me. I was mad. I took the cartridge out of my NES and bit it. I saw that the cartridge was glowing red, and it felt hot. I dropped it.
I put the disc back in and saw that my TV screen was completely red. I heard a low, growling noise and was scared. I got up out off the couch, but some text appeared. I sat back down and read it... it said "Thomas, I know you... I can see you.... I AM you..."
I said "What?"
"Thomas... listen... come with me, Thomas... join us... down here, we can all be friends..."
I got up and ran away. I never went back down into my basement again. I never played a video game again. Not to this day. At night, I can still hear the voice from all the way down in the basement... "Thomaaaas"... "Thomas"... "Thomas"...
In fact, I can hear it right now...